Tuesday, May 30, 2017

"A man without a goal, is like a ship without a rudder."
Thomas Carlyle

Image result for goals clear backgroundImage result for rudder
        This quote means that without a goal you won't know what you want or where you will end up. Without a set of goals you will be lost, like a ship has no purpose without a rudder. In this case it shows how important goals are and rudders are. Without one you'll be lost and have nowhere to go and nothing to do. For example without goals we will not have nothing to do, nothing to look forward to and most of all we won't find our purpose. Now if you have a rudder you will go somewhere and you will get there. This quote can get interpreted in many ways and can be used in many different situations. When you have a goal you'll find what you wanted. You'll get everything you've ever worked for. Without a goal(s) it will be hard. Something that helps us is our Goals Journals. Our goals journals are our rudder and without it most of us in this class room would be lost. Goals will help you do something big. A rudder and goals come hand in hand and they both are very important. Goals are a must in one's life to have a successful future. 
Memorial Day Weekend

Image result for chivas soccer team
Image result for mexico teamThis weekend I did a lot of preparing for my 15. On friday I went to eat with Allison then went home. On Saturday I went out with my parents and bought things I needed. We went to go cut my hair at the beauty salon later to the hall where my 15 party is going to take place. We tried foods to see what I wanted to give out to eat and then we tried desserts. I met other girls who are going to have a 15 and we really bonded on how stressful party planning is. On sunday I had movie night with the fam and we also had a barbecue. They cooked some food then we began watching movies in my house livingroom. Also on Sunday and the first half of Monday I did homework. I wrote my 10 paragraph essay, (4 pages) for english and then got some rest. Another thing that happened this weekend was 2 very important games 1 of chivas the other one of mexico took place. My whole family was excited to see them and we did. I also got some things over with and now to wait for this weekend to do some more preparing. This a good weekend and i was happy i got spend it with my family.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

“When a deep injury is done to us, we never recover until we forgive.”
Alan Paton

Image result for alan paton forgiveForgiveness is very important. When you forgive you open yourself to the process of healing. In order for one to heal or recover or what ever else you may call it you MUST first forgive. You will grow and you will help others around you grow and heal too. Forgiveness, 11 simple letters, 1 word, a very hard action. Forgiving is very hard to do because you always want to hang on to revenge, or you will always be out to hurt the person who hurt you. Thats dumb though, there is such thing as karma that will get back 10x worse and if you don't forgive, let something go you'll just make yourself miserable. A great example of forgiveness was the one  you gave in class. It shows how she forgave the man and they both grew as people, they both got good outcome from it, most importantly they both forgave and had peace. If she wouldn't have forgiven him, they wouldn't have been able to grow, would probably hate themselves, would be depressed etc. But she forgave and now they get to help others from committing the mistake he made. They got a positive outcome of a negative situation. You forgive and you grow, let it go, but you never forget. Everything happens for a reason and no matter what everyone has a purpose in this world.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

“Dare to do right”
Rex D. Pinegar

Image result for choose the rightThis quote coming from Rex is very powerful. 3 simple words but a huge important meaning behind them. Nobody EVER needs to prove something wrong to anyone to be cool or for things to seem right. If it doesn't look right or feel right 100% then it’s not right. This quote is daring us to live with choosing the right instead of wrong. There will always be that friend that dares you to do something that is wrong. They can say things  such as “let's ditch”, “hit the blunt”, “drink alcohol”, “lie to them” etc. But one should always have the courage to say “NO” and stand up for doing what's right. At the end of them day the bad dare will only affect you the most. It will show you are weak and not strong nor cool nor brave. Why? Because you have no authority in what is you believe. This wrong dare will impact you and the ones you love around you the most. Good dares will help you grow and show good character.  Living by this dare is very important because in order to succeed you mustn always choose the right.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

“If I've got correct goals, and if I keep pursuing them the best way I know how to, everything else falls into line. If I do the right thing right, I'm going to succeed.”
Dan Dierdorf

Image result for dan dierdorf To me what this quote means is when you do good and you push yourself to get what you want you will be successful. Always have goals and set realistic one, so you can accomplish them. This quote also says that when you push yourself to have more than one goal and push yourself even more to accomplish them them then you will. You will because everything will “fall into line.”Doing what's right is always important. When you think of right you think of CTR and when you think of CTR you think of a CTR person; when you are a CTR person you always do good and make the right choices no matter what and that is extremely important if you want to be successful. An example is when we write in our goals journals we set realistic goals and as we continue adding on we continue accomplishing other ones. That is making us grow and as we grow we are becoming successful. Another thing is that as you accomplish one goal it becomes easier to keep on going and accomplishing other ones. This is a very important quote. Always set goals, make them happen, and then you’ll see success come your ways.
Chemical Engineer

Duties & Responsibilities:
Related imageChemical engineers apply different things to solve problems. Things they apply involve  principles of chemistry, biology, physics, and math. With these principles they solve problems that involve the production or use of chemicals, fuel, drugs, food, and many other products.They also are in charge of doing many things. Things they are in charge of doing include; designing processes, equipment for large-scale manufacturing, plan and test production methods and byproducts treatment, and direct facility operations.
$98,340 per year; $47.28 per hour
Bachelor’s Degree in chemical engineering, prior experience which can include;  internships and cooperative engineering programs
Demand For Profession:
2% growth from 2014 - 2024 which is slower than average
I would like to become a Chemical Engineer. I believe I do have the qualities for this job. Also it is very interesting and appealing to me. I say this because you never know what you will create and how it can be helpful to others when you create it.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Phillip Riggs’ Four success Tips
  1. Work hard
  2. Follow your passions. Do things you are interested in doing.
  3. Don't chase after money.
  4. Serve others. Do good things for others, and good things will come back to you.

Image result for phillip riggs To me, the first statement means never give up and always try. When you try hard enough and work hard enough to get to a goal you will complete it. Working hard is important because it shows you are and you want something. Number two to me means that when you do what you love you will be happy. See if you find what you love and you do it for a living, you'll never really get bored because it's what you love. When you go for things you love to do or are interesting you will be successful. Now. number three to me means that money is a materialistic thing. Would you rather be genualy happy and have love or miserable with all  the money in the world, alone? I would rather be broke and happy than rich and miserable. $Money$ doesn't buy you happiness. Lastly, what that is basically saying is what goes around comes around. Karma is a thing. You do good, you get good back. You do bad, you get bad back. You get what you give and that's final. I therefore think these tips are very helpful and 100% true.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

"The most important thing you will ever have is good values."
Dennis Prager

Image result for good values
Image result for good values
         This quote means that you shall always treasure how you are are. Good values include good character, and most of all choosing whats right. I believe this quote is true. One will get criticised based on how they are and how they are includes their values. If you have good values, you are a ctr person. An example of a good value is when you didn't study and its so easy to cheat, but your good value tells you thats not right and you don't do it. Having good values opens up doors. They open up doors because you are showing amazing character. You are showing that you are loyal, keep your word of honor, a CTR person, and respectful as well as self respect.  Using or having good values will always lead one to doing what is right.This is a very important quote because good values are a must for a successful living.  Now, if you choose to have bad values, values that are not good you will affect yourself. Bad values will backfire and you will be seen as a CTW person instead of a CTR one. 

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

“In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing.”
Theodore Roosevelt

Image result for right choice I agree with this quote by Theodore Roosevelt, because it is 100% truth full. Choosing/ doing what's right is never going to go wrong. Doing so is a win win, for everyone involved. When you choose the right, or to do the right thing you are showing you are a person with great character and self respect. Everyone makes choices on the daily, but not everyone makes the right ones but those who do, are more successful. An example of making the right decision is say you are shopping and you find a phone. You can make three choices 1. Take it, 2. Leave it, 3. Take it and return it. You mustn choose the right one because you don't know what type of information a cell phone contains, how important it is to someone, and you must do what's right because it right. Number 1 is simply just not right because it doesn't belong to you. Choice number 2 is not so good because someone else can come take it but there's a 50% chance they won't give it to the owner and 50% chance they will. Ans number 3 is totally the right one. Always do what's right no matter what because it important. You get what you give.

Friday, May 5, 2017

“Nothing is ever gained in doing what’s wrong.”
Wilford Woodruff

Image result for wilford woodruffI agree with this quote because it is true. When you choose the wrong no one learns anything. To begin with, You already know it’s wrong so when you do it you don’t learn it was bad because you knew that from the start. A perfect example of choosing the wrong and not learning is cheating. Everyone knows that cheating is bad, and when you do it you don’t learn anything because you won’t be able to improve yourself when doing so. Cheating is the perfect example also because you don't affect no one but yourself. You don't get to learn and grow as a person. Although it may seem like the easy way out but it is CTW. CTW is never right. If you choose to do the right then you will grow, you will improve yourself and become a much better person. You don’t gain nothing from doing what's wrong, simply because it’s wrong and you must’n known it was wrong from the start. Doing will get you nowhere in like, unlike choosing the right. Choosing the right will open new doors for you and help you grow.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

"It's a GREAT MOMENT when someone has character to step up and do the right thing at the right time." 
Pam Knox

Image result for choosing the right at the right moment              I agree with this quote by Pam Knox. I think this is right because one should always do the right thing at the right time. If one chooses to do this, because indeed it is correct they will show their value and that they are CTR people. If you choose to do right things at the right moment you won't be CTW, if you choose to do opposite than that though, you will be CTW. An example of doing something at the right time is say you go out and spot someone being robbed. Then you have the perfect time to stop it and you do so you are being CTR and showing your good character. Now, say you just let it happened in front of your face and didn't do nothing, that is CTW and you are showing how selfish you are and how you have no good character.  Being Ctr will never go wrong and there is never bad timing to do so. 

Monday, May 1, 2017

“I have been asked what I mean by ‘word of honor.’ I will tell you: Place me behind prison walls-walls of stone ever so high, ever so thick, reaching ever so far into the ground- there is a possibility that in  some way or another I might be able to escape; but stand me on the floor and draw a chalk line around me and have me give my word of honor never to cross it. Can I get out of that circle? No, never! I'd die first.”
Karl G. Maeser

Image result for word of honorWhat this quote means is that word of honor is saying you will or will not do something and keeping it. I'd like to think of it as a promise. When you give your word of honor you are promising to do as you say. You are saying you won't break it and you will achieve what you said you would. An example of giving your word of honor is telling your mom you will do something and THEN YOU DO-DO IT. If you break it your word of honor won't mean anything but if you keep it, you will be valued. A word of honor is important because if you don't have one, or you break things you say you will do constantly, and give your word for it; then no one will take you seriously. People will see you as nothing but a liar. Now if you do opposite than that you will show your good character and that you are a CTR person. Keeping your word of honor is very important. Having a word of honor is valuable and not having one will suck.