"If it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true don't say it"
Marcus Aurelius
This quote implies that you must always be honest no matter what. I think it means this because you don't go spreading lies or doing bad things. It can also mean that having a good character is important because you think for yourself. An example of "If it is not right, do not do it;" is if everyone is smoking and they invite you to hit the blunt too but you know it's wrong. You don't do it! Why?!?!?!?! because you can get into serious trouble. If you do do it you are not having good character you are not choosing the right. Now if you don't do it you are being CTR. Now for the "If it is not true do not say it." An example of this is if someone tells you something about someone else and you don't know if it's true or not you don't go around spreading the rumor and telling others. It's not right you keep your mouth shut and be honest. You choose the right by being honest and by making sure you have good character. You don't do things you know are bad, you choose the right 24/7, make sure you have a good character, and you are honest.
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